Monday, August 26, 2013

Act now or else we will be lost forever...... Part -1

We Tamils feel that we are victims of globalization, I see globalization is also a colonization, invisible dominance of white masters over our people and resources,I think its the right time to bounce back.

Our great grandfather raja raja chozhan was one example to look in to know how potential we all are. Instead we are divided by local politics and caste.

Every one complains that our day to day expenses has gone high and get excuses, one question I ask is how many of you tried to overcome that.

India is an agricultural country and its our backbone, if we move away from agriculture we will become are people without backbone.

I want to encourage people to involve in agriculture and increase our produce which is the solution for all our problems.

Person 1 : Always eats in hotel, gets sick and spends to hospital and wastes lot of time and hence very low productive.

Person 2 : Grows food in his garden, eats home cooked, healthy and has a lot of time and does more than 1 business and lives happily.

Person1 is today's Tamil people and person 2 is our ancestral Tamil people. Hence they were able to create history and we are victims of day to day happenings of the world.

We should be very very innovative in our approach to outsmart other people, then only our race will survive

Category 1 : People living in apartments :

  You will be having access to less space and there is nothing much you can do, but still you can do something and succeed. There are ways to grow your own food in organic methods. You can form a local group and work together. Eg : one should create compost and other should collect seeds and one who has to maximum space should keep all the plants and take care daily. Meet at least weekly and discuss how to take it further and add new members to your team. Keep on posting pictures and progress in online groups so that it will motivate you and also others.
  Plan not to buy the below items from shop as the initial step and then keep on scaling up
  1) Cilantro - kothumalli
  2) Mint - Pudina
  3) Chilli - Milagai
  4) Greens - Keerai
  5) Drumstick and greens
  6) Tomato
  7) Ginger
 It may look complex but its very very easy and rewarding. Its in our blood. We Tamils are forced to do all other jobs in past 100 years but we were proper farmers for 100000 years. Don't get discouraged in the beginning keep yourself motivated always. Dont do this in a money motive in beginning but you will keep on saving some money without your knowledge.

Search for 'Organic Terrace Gardening' in Facebook and join that group its very interesting and useful

Category 2 : People living in small independent house :

  You can always do everything a category 1 people can do and additionally you can do the following
  Chicken is a very easy and interesting activity to start with. Few years back each house in Tamilnadu had few chickens and they use to eat their organic healthy eggs and on occasions and when guest arrives they cook healthy organic chicken from home. Nowadays we are dependent on butcher shop. People are lazy and want a care free life, that's why they don't maintain chicken nowadays in home. Its really easy, they say chicken is giving bad smell (have you ever seen a coop where broilers are brought up ??).
  You need 4 hens and 1 cock to start a unit and that will satisfy the family's need for eggs throughout the year.
  You can also hatch some eggs naturally during summer and use them for meat purpose
  Refer : '' this website for more details
Category 3 : People living in a house with a spacious yard

  You are really luck than Category 1 and 2 people and you can do a lot more wonders.
  Plan for a structured organic garden which gives you year round vegetables like brinjal, ladys' finger etc
  Also please plan for growing mushroom at home.
  I suggest you to grow ducks, guinea hens, Japanese quails and turkeys in home. They really thrive in our climate.
  Yes, I agree there are some challenges involved and we should overcome that to create a new history.
  Next important point is to rear a goat in your home. It is called the 'mobile cheque' whenever you need money you can sell it anywhere. Select a goat which is native to your locality eg: Ramnad sheep. I recommend to get some goat like jamnapuri / barbari which are high in milk yield.
  You think its nasty to keep goats in house, but their manure enriches your garden also you can create panchakavya from goat which acts as manure and pesticide for your organic garden.
  It will yield at least one or two kids which can be sold and you can milk them and manage a family's need for organic milk. Please encourage people so that every house has minimum one goat. Don't think its weird or fishy to milk a goat. It is very very nutritious and saves you a lot of money.People think they are engineers and do white collar jobs and why should they keep goat and turkey, this is what puts the future of tamils a question mark. People should get in to ground how much ever educated or rich they are, farming is our ancestral business if we forget that we are lost.
  Also you should make sure that you grow all the required fodder in your home. In case you need more room then again you need to form a local community 5 or more goat owners who feel its really profitable can share the work. One who has more land can grow fodder for all goats. If you gather a bigger herd, you can lease small land and grow your fodder.

  Also there are cattle like ponganur and vechur breed, they are the smallest cattle breed in this world. They give upto 2-4 litres milk a day which is very well sufficient for a small family. Also the milk is from a bos indicus or indigenious cow which is rich in A2. This milk can be sold up to Rs.60/liter. Instead of 2 goats one can go for one of these breeds of cow.

Category 4 : Small Farm house or more land

 You should make an integrated farming circuit in your land. All the fodder should be produced and no waste should be generated. Meaning all your animal waste will go to the plants and viceversa.


 You can concentrate on commercial goat farming or country chicken farming. Also selectively create a herd of milch bos indicus. Kangrej / Sahiwal and Tharparkar are good milch breeds.


 All your farm work should be carried on using draught animals, you should train and design efficient equipments to be used with these animals. One year diesel expense and tractor expense is now going to USA and DUBAI, we should stop this flow. The energy and technology should come from us. No spending on fertilizers and pesticides.
 As we import oil, we should equip ourselves in export technologies and consistently produce so that we make money out of export and make India a rich country.

--to be continued

Please use this forum for discussion of innovative ideas for organic agriculture and usage of Indian cattle breed.

People power is the most important power of all. Please for meetup groups irrespective of caste creed and religion variance. If people gather and do such interesting activities, we will live a wealthy life and have a society with less crime.

There were time when Tamil people had pots of buttermilk for free in their front yard so that people who pass by can drink and bless that house.
Its time we all spend our times and energy to create a tamilndau of that kind.
Average Indian spends his time and money on Facebook / cinema / dating / chatting etc, if we stop these and gather for a greater cause its going to be a great future for us else we are going towards a situation like Ethiopia or Somalia. One sudden day all rich people and politicians who took people money will escape from India to settle in other countries. where we poor will be left out with nothing but their crap.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post..thanks for sharing..people drink hybrid's cow milk which is really about A1 vs A2 milk..
